I'm a little behind on a blog update . . . that doesn't mean there's isn't anything to post however !
To follow up on the Premiere Issue of NoCo Pro Photo Magazine, I was interviewed for the first Artist Focus feature. The questions were well thought out and included some interesting takes on what influences me, namely the question "what song defines my photography." As many of you know, or may not know, music is a huge influence. It's difficult to narrow it down to only one song, especially since it probably changes on a weekly basis. Even so, I couldn't just keep it at one song, but I did manage to keep it at one artist - an incredible feat to say the least. At any rate, you can check out all the questions and my extremely interesting and thoughtful answers (*hint of sarcasm) by following the link below. Among the questions and answers are a few of my recent photos as well as a few older images, all of which I'm pretty fond of.
Needless to say, it was fun to be an interviewee, and not to mention that I'm honored to be the first artist in profile. Check out the link below...
...and yes, that is my arm in the fridge :)

NoCo Pro Photo - NoCo Pro Photo Magazine : Issue

Great interview!! Impressive! What an inspiring and talented artist you are. Keep on shining.