You gotta have a card, right!? These cards came all the way from Hong Kong and I'm really pleased with the quality. I was turned on to this company called Print 100 who prints at amazingly affordable rates with super fast turn around. It's hard to see the spot UV in these photos, but look at that shine! (I know this sounds like an ad, but since a fellow photographer shared his good experience with me, I'd thought I'd pass it along to anyone in market for a printer)
Why didn't I print local? Well, you'd be amazed at the cost to print your own custom design, spot UV, moderate weight paper, with a matte finish business card. For what it's worth I'm a big proponent for buying local....especially when it comes to food. But that's for another blog. In the meantime, I will continue to stare at my new works of art!

Love the cards and love the photos of the cards even more!!! Maybe you should look into magazine advertisement work....Hope to see you this weekend ;)